You have many demands on your time and budget. Why would you want to add to that by adding a conference or two to your schedule?
Having just attended the AEE’s incredible 43rd Annual International Conference, I can share some of the reasons why I already have next year’s Association for Experiential Education conference on the calendar, set as a high priority. Connecting with others who share your interests, and at the same time bring diverse perspectives, is powerful! It:
- stimulates fresh ideas
- inspires
- provokes new ways of thinking
- provides endless opportunities for learning
- builds relationships
- stretches comfort zones
- encourages collaboration
- is energizing!
Are these things worth investing in? Absolutely! You are investing in yourself.
How will you invest in yourself in 2016? Whether you choose to attend a large conference or get involved in local events that connect you with things you are passionate about – whatever you do for your own growth and development is worth the investment.
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