What’s Your Story?
Henry Ford is quoted as saying, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”
Through observing, coaching, and mentoring well over a hundred new and aspiring leaders as they’ve taken on the challenges of their new roles, we see repeatedly that an individual’s level of self-confidence and self-efficacy is often the difference between achieving either a high level of success and achieving a mediocre or even unsatisfactory outcome.
Participants will learn how to focus on those stories that will show them that they can. Working with concepts such as internal dialogue and self-talk, workshop participants will examine and write or rewrite their personal stories in ways that build will build confidence and self-efficacy.
In this workshop participants will:
- Recognize their own use of self-talk and internal dialogue
- Examine the impact of self-talk and internal stories on their self-confidence level
- Explain the concept of “self-efficacy”
- Evaluate their own prior experiences for evidence of capability to achieve or succeed
- Create a personal affirmative story for the future
- Plan how they will use their affirmative story to build or maintain confidence prior to engaging in a new or unknown situation